Into The Air

Into The Air
79 vues
Transféré par Françoise Gervais le 31 Jan 2019 à Victoria

The Arctic fox’s favourite prey are small rodents called lemmings. These small rodents do not hibernate, even when winter is at its coldest. They burrow their holes in low areas in the snow and track small pathways to and from nests. Arctic foxes with their wide and short ears can hear them moving under the snow. Once they ear one, they will leap high into the air, as you can see on this image, and burrow into the snow to catch them. Smaller rodent populations waver between times of abundance an

Tagué: arctic fox nunavut

1 un commentaire

Jane LeBlanc posté 2019-01-31 2:12pm

Francoise, I love all your photos from up north. I love the playfulness of this one, and the great lighting on the one of the polar bear and sunset. Nice that you include some comments on what the photo is about, as well. Great job!!


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